
Tom Wollny, P.E
1933 - 2021
Tom was dedicated to serving people in need for as long as he could remember. He was a proud Korean War veteran who initially used his Air Force training to maintain USAF radar units. After leaving the service, he pursued his engineering degree and became a Professional Engineer (P.E). Horrified by the devastating toll landmines were taking on our troops and innocent civilians, he diligently studied, experimented, and searched to discover a more effective system to detect these malicious mines and prevent such needless maiming and deaths.
Tom’s world-changing invention, utilizing ground-penetrating radar, is recognized as the most advanced landmine detection system available and is now being used for humanitarian de-mining and to protect our armed forces worldwide—and it’s saving lives and limbs every day.
After saving countless lives with his technology, Tom still wanted to do more. In 2015, he and his wife Caroline formed Honor Veterans Now and its flagship program Meals for Vets to feed hungry Veterans, their families, and surviving spouses. Today their dream is still inspiring the Meals for Vets team in addressing the heartbreaking hunger and struggle of those who sacrificed and served throughout the state of Texas.

Tom’s invention is saving lives and limbs of our service men and women and civilians every day. Care.org reports that there are “an estimated 110 million landmines still in the ground.”